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How Food, Media, and Social Connections Either Fuel You or Deplete You!

nutrition tips and strategies weight loss May 27, 2024

Being a mom can feel like a whirlwind. We juggle a million tasks, and keeping our energy levels up, our focus sharp, and our stress under control can feel impossible! 

But what if the secret to having more energy, better focus, and less stress had more to do with what our bodies and minds are consuming? 

We often think our hectic schedules are what causes us so much stress and brain fog but if what we put into our body and our minds – food, media, social interactions – were more to blame than just the everyday chaos of Mom life?

These factors drastically affect us in many ways but are often overlooked.

So what do we do to help this…..

Fueling Yourself With the Good Stuff:

  • Eat for sustained energy: Ditch the sugary snacks and processed meals that leave you crashing. Opt for whole grains, lean protein (think chicken breast or beans!), and healthy fats (avocado, olive oil, coconut oil, ect.) for long-lasting energy.
  • Hydrate: Being dehydrated can zap your energy faster than a toddler can empty a juice box. Keep a reusable water bottle handy and sip throughout the day aiming to drink half your body weight in ounces of water.
  • Be conscious of your gut health: A happy gut means a happier you! Incorporate gut-friendly foods like yogurt with berries, fermented veggies, or a daily dose of kombucha.

Take Control of Screen Time:

  • Be mindful of screen time: We all love scrolling through social media, but it can be a major energy drain. Set time limits for yourself and create screen-free zones in your house (like the dinner table or bedtime routine).
  • Choose content that empowers you: Not all media is created equal. Seek out positive, uplifting content that inspires you as a mom. Look for parenting hacks, funny mom memes, or podcasts that make you laugh! Feel free to unfollow anyone that doesn’t lift you up!
  • Comparison is a thief: Social media can make it seem like everyone else has it all together. Remember, those feeds are highlight reels, not reality. Focus on your own journey as a mom!

The Power of Positive Connections:

  • Surround yourself with supportive Moms: Find a group of positive, uplifting moms who understand the joys (and challenges!) of motherhood.
  • Set boundaries with energy-drainers: Sometimes, even loved ones can be draining. Set healthy boundaries with people who create negativity or stress in your life.
  • Connect, don't just consume: Social media can be a tool for connection, but prioritize face-to-face interactions with your Mom squad. Schedule playdates, coffee dates, or even a virtual mom's night in!

Remember: By making conscious choices about the food you eat, the media you engage with, and the social connections you prioritize, you can fuel your body and mind to conquer anything motherhood throws your way.

Bonus Tip: Don't underestimate the power of sleep! Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night, even if it means sneaking in a nap when the little ones are down.

By taking control of what you consume, you can become the most focused, energetic, and stress-resilient version of yourself - because that's what Moms do!


Need more help gaining back your energy and focus?

Join me for my FREE Online Nutrition Workshop, on Friday May 31st at 12 PM EST, where I’ll be covering more about how to increase your energy, reduce your bloating, and easily decrease your stress levels!

Click here to save your seat!

Can’t make it live? No worries, I’ll be sending out the replay to anyone registered!